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BLST Security

BLST Security is a startup company in API security, providing comprehensive protection against design flaws and business logic attacks. BLST Security's advanced security solutions offer unparalleled visibility into the inner workings of your API, allowing you to identify and respond to potential threats quickly and effectively. With their focus on design flaws and business logic, you can rest assured that your API is secure and resilient against malicious attacks.
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General Information

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Power in Partnerships

BLST is set to revolutionize the API security landscape with its groundbreaking new technology. By providing an automated detection system for design flaws and business logic attacks, Contrast users can rest assured that their APIs are protected to the highest standards. With BLST’s advanced machine learning algorithms, users can quickly identify any vulnerabilities before they become a problem.
Contrast is a great team with a deep knowledge on the cyber security field. With their expertise, we are confident that we can build a secure and reliable cyber security system for our customers.