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Glossary of Terms

  • A
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  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

Brute Force Attack

What is a brute force attack? With a brute force attack, the attacker attempts to crack a password or username using an..

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Software Composition Analysis (SCA) Tool in the Code Repository (Repo)

What is SCA in the repo? What is repository level SCA? When a Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool scans a..

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.NET Core Framework

What is .NET core framework? .NET Core is the latest version of .NET Framework, a free, open-source, general-purpose..

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.NET Framework

What is .NET framework? Microsoft .NET was first released in 2016 as an open-source, cross-platform iteration of the..

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Active vs Passive IAST Scanning

Active IAST testing and passive IAST testing Compared with traditional application testing tools and methodologies,..

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What is Agile? Agile is a frequently used methodology applied to the management of software development projects. It is..

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Apache Struts

What is Apache Struts? Apache Struts is a free, open-source framework for creating elegant, enterprise-ready Java web..

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Apache Tomcat

What is Apache Tomcat? Apache Tomcat is an open-source Java servlet and Java Server Page container that lets developers..

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API Security

What is API security? With organizations pushing forward various digital transformation initiatives, the number of..

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What is an application? app stack and tech stack explained Applications encompass a wide range of functionalities to..

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Application Attacks

Application attacks Application development is burgeoning with the adoption of Agile and DevOps. As a result, cyber..

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Application Security

What is application security? Application security is the use of software, hardware, and procedural methods to protect..

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Application Security Testing (AST)

Web application security testing Application security testing describes the various approaches used by organizations as..

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Application Vulnerability

What is application vulnerability? Application vulnerabilities are flaws or weaknesses in an application that can lead..

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ARP Poisoning Attacks

ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol which is used in network communications. ARPs translate Internet Protocol..

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Binary Code Analysis

What is binary code analysis? Binary code analysis, also referred to as binary analysis or code review, is a form of..

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Broken Access Control

What is broken access control? Broken access control has moved up from #5 in 2017 to #1 in 2021 in the OWASP Top 10..

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Broken Authentication

What is broken authentication? Broken authentication was #2 on the 2017 OWASP Top 10 list. In 2021 the Broken..

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Buffer Overflow

What is buffer overflow? Buffers provide a temporary area for programs to store data. A buffer overflow, also known as..

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Code Injection

What is code injection? Code injection is the term used to describe attacks that inject code into an application. That..

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Code Repository

What is a code repository A code repository is a central location where software developers can store, manage, and..

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Command Injection

What is command injection? With a command injection attack, the goal is to hijack a vulnerable application in order to..

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Computer Worm

What is a computer worm? Computer worms have been around for more than three decades and show no sign of extinction...

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Cross-Site Scripting

What is cross-scripting? "Cross-site scripting" originally referred to loading the attacked, third-party web..

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Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack Application attacks are on the rise and becoming more advanced. On average,..

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CVE-2016-1000027 Learn about the CVE-2016-1000027 Spring Framework vulnerability, its background, its description, its..

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Dangerous Functions

What are dangerous functions? Dangerous functions are the root cause of all Application Security (AppSec) problems. In..

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Data Breach

What is a data breach and how to prevent it? A data breach is an incident in which an unauthorized person or entity..

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DevOps Security

What is DevOps security? DevOps security refers to the practice of safeguarding an organization’s entire..

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As organizations rush to embrace various digital transformation initiatives, DevOps (development and operations)..

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Dynamic Application Security Testing

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) Organizations across all industries are transforming digitally to keep up..

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Expression Language Injection

What is expression language injection? Expression Language Injection (aka EL Injection) enables an attacker to view..

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False Negative

What is a false negative? Designing test cases that accurately identify defects in software can be challenging. As..

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False Positive

What is false positive? False positives occur when a scanning tool, web application firewall (WAF), or intrusion..

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What is a firewall network security system? A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming..

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Fuzz Testing

What is fuzz testing, or “fuzzing”? In the world of cybersecurity, fuzz testing (or fuzzing) is an automated software..

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Go Language

What is go language? Go language is an open-source programming language used for general purposes. Go was developed by..

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Definitions of SAST and IAST testing methodologies Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a static application..

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Injection Attack

What is injection? Injection is #1 on the latest (2017) OWASP Top 10 list. Injection vulnerabilities allow attackers to..

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Insecure Deserialization

Deserialization is a core component of web applications At the heart of the essentially limitless realm of information..

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What is code instrumentation? Code instrumentation is a technique where additional code is injected into an..

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Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

What is insufficient logging and monitoring? Insufficient logging and monitoring is #10 on 2017 OWASP Top Ten list of..

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Interactive Application Security Testing

What is interactive application security testing (IAST)? Application security testing describes the various approaches..

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Java Programming Language

What is java programming language? Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun..

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JavaScript Programming Language

What is JavaScript programming language?? JavaScript is a text-based programming language used both on the client-side..

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Kotlin Programming Language

What is Kotlin programming language? Kotlin is a general purpose, free, open source, statically typed "pragmatic"..

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What is Log4Shell? Log4shell is the nickname provided to the Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability that was..

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Malicious Code

What is malicious code? Malicious code is code inserted in a software system or web script intended to cause undesired..

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Malicious Cyber Intrusion

What is a malicious cyber intrusion? As developers strive to meet the demands of the modern software development life..

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Man-in-the-Middle Attack

What is a Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Attack? In a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, the attacker eavesdrops on the..

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Method Tampering

What is method tampering? Method tampering (aka verb tampering and HTTP method tampering) is an attack against..

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Microsoft Azure Function App

What is a function app? A Function App is a Microsoft Azure Functions construct. Essentially it is a group of one or..

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What is Node.js? Node.js is an open-source, server-side script that runs on top of Google's open-source scripting..

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OGNL Injection (OGNL)

What is OGNL injection (OGNL)? Object-Graph Navigation Language is an open-source Expression Language (EL) for Java..

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Open Source Security

Implementing a good open source security strategy The term "open source" refers to software in the public domain that..

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OWASP Top 10

What is OWASP Top 10? The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide not-for-profit organization..

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PCI Application

What is PCI application? The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of widely followed..

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PCI Compliance

What is PCI compliance? Payment card industry (PCI) compliance, also referred to as Payment Card Industry Data Security..

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Penetration Testing

What is penetration testing? Penetration testing, also known as pen testing, security pen testing, and security..

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PHP Programming Language

What is PHP programming language? PHP (short for Hypertext PreProcessor) is the most widely used open source and..

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What is a Project? A project is a collection of source code contained in a ‘folder’, ‘Zip file’, war file or one or..

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Python Programming Language

What is python programming language? Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world in..

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ReDoS Attack

What is a ReDoS attack? A ReDoS attack is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack that exploits an application’s exponential..

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Regular Expression DoS (ReDoS)

What is regular expression DoS (ReDoS)? Regular expressions can reside in every layer of the web. The Regular..

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Ruby Programming Language

What is ruby programming language? Ruby is an open-source, object-oriented scripting language developed in the mid-90s..

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Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP) Security

What is RASP security? Coined by Gartner in 2012, Runtime Application Self-Protection, RASP, is an emerging security..

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Runtime Security

What is runtime security? Runtime Security is defined as protecting software everywhere it runs. Typically, runtime is..

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What is an SBOM (Software Bills of Materials)? Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) were born out of the need to provide..

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Scala Programming Language

What is scala programming language? Scala is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language that can be both..

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What is agile scrum environment? As a set of values and principles that describes a group's day-to-day interactions and..

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Security Misconfigurations

What is security misconfigurations? Security misconfigurations is #6 on the latest (2017) OWASP Top 10 list. This..

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Sensitive Data Exposure

Any industry that collects, stores, or processes sensitive data is at risk for a data breach. In 2020, the average cost..

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Serverless Security

What is serverless? Serverless is a cloud-native development and deployment model that abstracts underlying servers and..

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Session Fixation Attack

What is session fixation attack? Session fixation and session hijacking are both attacks that attempt to gain access to..

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Session Hijacking

Session hijacking attacks The importance of security is on the rise as digital innovation explodes. And as..

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Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

What is software composition analysis (SCA)? Today’s software applications rely heavily on open-source components...

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Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Security

What is the software development life cycle, aka SDLC? The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework that..

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What is spoofing? Spoofing is when a bad actor disguises themselves as a trusted device or user in order to gain access..

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Spoofing Attack

What is a spoofing attack? In a spoofing attack, a malicious party or program impersonates another device or user on a..

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Spring Core

What is Spring Core? Spring Core (spring-core) is the core of the framework that powers features such as Inversion of..

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Spring Framework

What is Spring Framework? The Spring Framework provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern..

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Spring Web MVC

What is Spring Web MVC? A Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for the Spring Framework that can be used to develop..

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Spring Webflux

What is Spring Webflux? Spring Webflux is the reactive-stack web framework added in Spring version 5.0. Reactive..

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What is Spring4Shell? Zero-day, remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in the Spring Framework was Disclosed on..

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SQL Injection

What is SQL injection? An SQL injection attack consists of an insertion or injection of a SQL query via the input data..

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Static Application Security Testing

What is static application security testing (SAST)? Static application security testing (SAST) involves analyzing an..

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Untrusted or Insecure Deserialization

What is untrusted or insecure deserialization? Serialization refers to the process of converting an object into a..

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Vulnerability Assessment

Cyber crimes are expected to cause more than 6 trillion dollars in damages in 2021. By the year 2025, it's estimated..

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Vulnerability Scanning

What is vulnerability scanning? Vulnerability scanning is the finding of security flaws and vulnerabilities, analyzing..

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Vulnerability Testing

What is vulnerability testing? Vulnerability testing is an assessment used to evaluate application security by..

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WAF vs. RASP: a defense in depth approach to application security In today's threat landscape, web applications are..

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Web Application

What is a web application? A web application is a program that can be accessed through a web browser and runs on a web..

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Web Application Firewall

What is a web application firewall (WAF)? A web application firewall (WAF) is a network defense that filters, monitors,..

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Web Browser Attacks

What is a web browser attack? A web browser attack is a type of cyber attack that targets vulnerabilities in web..

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Website Scanner

Development teams are a fundamental part of organizations, with digital transformation ascending to the top of..

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What is a path traversal attack or directory traversal attack?

What is a path traversal attack? Understanding the harm it can cause Path traversal attacks use an affected application..

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Zero day

What is a Zero-day? Zero-day vulnerabilities are software flaws unknown before exploitation. Why should I care about..

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Zip File Overwrite

What is zip file overwrite? Zip file overwrite (also known as Zip Slip) exploits a vulnerability that is found in..

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