Built for developers. Trusted by security.
Contrast helps today's software-driven companies secure from within.

How an American financial technology company embeds application security
In this customer spotlight session, our co-founder and CTO Jeff Williams sat down with an American financial technology company to discuss the importance of embedding application security, implementing run time protection, and shifting left in the development process. Learn how these strategies can help organizations stay ahead of evolving security threats and keep their applications safe.

A can't-miss report based on real-world data from thousands of applications that highlights vulnerability and attack trends, security debt, benchmarks on the vulnerability escape rate and much more.

Significantly reduce false positives and speed up DevOps cycles with the Contrast Runtime Security Platform.

In a recent video at the RSA Conference, Kiran Sharma, Senior Privacy Program Manager at Snap Finance, highlighted the significant impact of Contrast’s platform on their security initiatives.

Watch this customer case study video to learn how Contrast helped BMW shift left their DevOps.
Contrast is the clear customers’ choice
The platform enables both security and development teams to work more rapidly in a way that enhances both teams' experiences. The most important piece of this is removing the vast majority of false positives out of the equation while moving at speeds that can keep up with Agile/DevSecOps practices. As the number of developers and development teams continue to grow exponentially our security team has not. This enables us to scale with the increasing development activities without significant team size changes. Because it feeds the information directly into development's hands (Jira, Slack, IDE, etc.) much of the burden is lifted off of the security teams while also keeping development teams happy by not filling the backlogs with false positives. Also since the entire platform is API accessible you can customize the data / platform to meet your companies' unique needs.
Cyber Defense Specialist,
Gartner Peer Insights

Experience Contrast today
Schedule a one-to-one demo to see what the Contrast Runtime Security Platform can do for you.