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Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 4/26/24

Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 4/26/24

Insight #1

AI is clearly becoming a problem, with headlines capturing incidents such as a deepfake audio impersonating a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and explicit deepfake photographs of high-school students being passed around in a Nevada, Iowa High School. We as an industry need to get our hands around all of this before it gets even worse.

Insight #2

Does CISO job dissatisfaction really come down to stress? A recent study shows job dissatisfaction increasing for CISOs due to a number of reasons, such as increased liabilities, risk de-prioritizations and lack of executive-level access. But I can tell you this: It’s the STRESS of everything combined that causes job dissatisfaction.

Insight #3

It is always funny to me sitting in a room full of security professionals and talking about the change required to improve our current lackluster/status quo Application Security (AppSec)  practices. The crowd of security pros always nod their heads in agreement. But then they go back to their jobs to continue with their current approach. Why are we hesitant to change? What is it?

David Lindner, Chief Information Security Officer

David Lindner, Chief Information Security Officer

David is an experienced application security professional with over 20 years in cybersecurity. In addition to serving as the chief information security officer, David leads the Contrast Labs team that is focused on analyzing threat intelligence to help enterprise clients develop more proactive approaches to their application security programs. Throughout his career, David has worked within multiple disciplines in the security field—from application development, to network architecture design and support, to IT security and consulting, to security training, to application security. Over the past decade, David has specialized in all things related to mobile applications and securing them. He has worked with many clients across industry sectors, including financial, government, automobile, healthcare, and retail. David is an active participant in numerous bug bounty programs.