John Breeden at CSO Magazine Online posted his review of Contrast Security last week. The article, “How Contrast Security protects applications from the inside out” is extremely in-depth.
John notes, “Contrast Security has one of the most elegant solutions out there for application security. We can see why it scored 100 percent on the OWASP Security Benchmark.”
Below is a small excerpt:
"Proper cybersecurity these days requires a defense in depth. Like in military planning, relying on a single defensive line is a recipe for failure, especially in the long term. Eventually something or somebody will learn how to bypass or defeat a narrow perimeter, allowing them to freely attack everything sitting behind it.
"As such, cybersecurity programs tend to look at the problem of defense from a lot of different angles, with the expectation that enterprises will employ several different types of security at the same time. This has led to a different problem: alert fatigue setting in on IT teams as all of those programs sound the alarm many times, and all the time.
"The Contrast Security suite aims to change that trend in two important ways. First, it takes one critical aspect of cybersecurity today, application security, and condenses it into a single program that can protect apps from the time development first begins all the way through deployment and their full lifecycle.
"Second, because Contrast Security embeds agents inside each app that it is protecting, essentially becoming a part of the program, there is almost no chance of false positives. In fact, it scored a rare 100 percent on the OWASP Security Benchmark, passing over 2,000 tests without generating any false positives.
"The secret sauce for Contrast Security is its use of bytecode implementation, a feature in Java used to help integrate programs and application features during development.

"Only here, Contrast Security uses it for the purpose of cybersecurity, specifically embedding an agent into an application, which will thereafter be directly monitored and protected from the inside out."
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